Portable and Dependable

‘Atha,’ the first word of Patajali’s Yoga Sutras (and possibly all you need to absorb) means NOW. Wherever you are, ‘now’ is available, most easily accessible with attention to breath. Please, allow yourself just now, with a steady exhale to be. Now. The breath will rise again without a search for it. As Sharon Saltzberg says, now is ‘the most portable and dependable resource at our disposal.’

‘The invitation to begin again (and again and again)...

to heal through letting go rather than harming ourselves

with cycles of self-doubt, judgment, and criticism.

Beginning again is a powerful form of resilience training.


Each time we become distracted or lost in our judgements, assumptions, and other thoughts, we can return to the moment,

the most portable and dependable resource at our disposal.

We see that no matter what, we can always begin again.’ Sharon Saltzberg

Thank you for being here


All is Full of Love


All Change