
Today I ‘met’ with three friends.
We talked about touch.
All Yoga teachers, we talked about touch in the context of class; the beauty as well as the pitfalls that ‘hands-on’ assists can hold, the health benefits, the energetic exchange.

Curious about how touch manifests when we make it to ‘the other side’ of this, we discussed craving for ‘daily’ touch - brushing hands with a barista on receiving a coffee, getting bumped into in line at the airport, getting a haircut, a massage…

We remembered with deep respect those for whom it’s a relief not to be touched and we spoke of those who live alone and receive no touch at all these days.

And so my intention for our class on Thursday is to include some ways to lay hands on your body around practice, perhaps facilitating new ways of body-listening and self-soothing… mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, please join to quiet the nervous system and practice apart, together.




Spontaeous Asana